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How to find inspiration

Many people have asked me where I get my inspiration. Is it something writers are born with or can everyone become a writer? #Inspiration

Well I can only speak for myself. I had a pretty sad childhood with not much inspiration in my day to day life, yet sometimes I astound myself with the mayhem in my mind! I firmly believe inspiration is developed through life experience.

“I wish I could write as well as the books I read! I just don't seem to have the imagination for ideas. How do you get your inspiration?”

Below is a list of my recommendations for you to find YOUR inspiration.


Of course top of the list is to read - specifically the genre you plan to write. It is important to create your own ideas, characters and story-lines. Aim to be different! Read books, magazines, even hero comics if it suits your genre!

2. STALK (I am not talking harassing a specific person here! THAT is illegal!)

Writing requires the writer to be a 'stalker' of sorts! Don't go 'naming and shaming' us now! It is actually a very important part of a writer's job. We study people's mannerisms and eavesdrop on private conversations and will use either of these (or both) with reckless abandon. This is how readers of all shapes, sizes, colours and creeds get to relate to the characters in our books.


Another important resource for me is the news. Yes, as depressing as it is these days! The news. Whether you watch TV, read the paper or get your news via social platforms it is filled with trials and tragedy of real life. Celebrity gossip, of course, is also great for drama-filled romance novels! Oh and history! Some of the greatest stories ever lived are right there in history! Whether it be war, religion, inventions, leaders, etc


Here I refer to MOVIES, ART, MUSIC, ETC.

Personally I love a movie to get the creative juices flowing! It is a quick inspiration fix-all for me! I get to pick concepts and expand on them in a local context.

When I cant seem to think beyond the 'box' in my mind I turn the music on and dance off the dust. #CreativityReboot


Wouldn't we all love to travel to exciting new and a exotic places? Experience the people! Taste the food! Appreciate the weather and dance to the music! Alas money, time and responsibilities often doesn't permit us to do so. If you are unable to travel abroad, try a holiday in a different city in South Africa, or even just a foreign restaurant in your own town. Read a travel magazine or recipe book of a foreign country! (but make sure you have eaten before you do so!) #TravelBug


Another tip from me ... When I write a book I like to find pictures on the internet of each character or something pivotal in the book. I keep this as my inspiration for let's say the character and I refer back to this picture when I write about them. Think Pinterest, Flickr, Google images, you get the picture (HAHA you see what I did there!?)

Join a group or forum on the internet to hear other REAL stories. This will help your character be more authentic and remember real stories help you connect to real people.


Keep a notepad with you at all times to write down ideas as they come to you. Even the crazy ones! Like dreams! Don't know about you but cheese makes me dream! If I lack inspiration I eat cheese!! (Mmmmm think I might've been a mouse in a previous life!) #CheeseDreams


Apart from watching complete strangers (refer to # 2 above) pets and children can be inspirational. They have no sense of consequence and both have unbridled imagination.


Sometimes the opinions of other people can be a source of inspiration allowing you to see a different point of view. It is also a great to connect with like-minded people ... think 'PROOF READERS' and 'REVIEWS'. Often Writing Circles in particular offer a group of writers who can provide seasoned advice and genre specific event! #SAWritersCircle

If all else fails ..... DISCONNECT TO RECONNECT

Sometimes I get bogged down in the story that it doesn't flow easily. To re-inspire myself I need to empty my mind, so that I can selectively fill it up again with fresh ideas. To do this I either put on the headphones and go for a walk in nature (even in my small garden); or I meditate. There are plenty of guided meditations available on line. Once the mind is empty you can start gathering all those inspirational snippets for your book again. #Disconnect2Reconnect

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with love and light

Esjay C. Moore


1 Comment

Nov 02, 2017

True spoken words

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